homeI am a researcher in image processing and computational vision with extensive teaching experience in many aspects of mathematics and computer science. My main research area is computational color. I have developed novel approaches to solve different problems ranging from color constancy to color stabilization, color characterization, color gamut mapping, high dynamic range imaging, image dehazing, image denoising, and vision color properties such as unique hue prediction and color naming. I have authored 24 journal publications in top-ranked journals (I am first or second author in 21 of them). I have an European Patent -and a pending application-, and experience in cutting-edge research labs in UK, Switzerland, and Spain, working in high-profile research projects. I have extensive experience in teaching in both undergraduate and master courses in Spain and the UK, with more of 1000 hours of teaching already performed.

You can download my full CV here.

My google scholar is here.

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